Archive for September 28, 2010

Librarian Blogs worth looking at

One of the best things that a blog can do right, whether it is a library blog or a personal blog, is be relevant, informative and current. Elizabeth “Lizzy” Burns maintains one of the main blogs for the School Library Journal called “A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy”. She is employed by SLJ, but does not hesitate to clearly voice that her opinions may not represent her boss. She demonstrates that this is the place to stay in tune with news regarding young adult books. If you are looking for reviews and alternative blogs written from other perspectives, you can find links to blogs that are written by teenagers, librarians, teachers, reviews, critiques…etc. Some of her most recent discussions include banned books week titles and reviews of new YA novels. I have found her to be a valued contributor for me in learning about young adult resources that are available. For example, I was introduced to this website which enabled me to get a virtual cornucopia of perspectives on various librarian blogs. Here is a list of some of the typical blog links that are posted: Continue reading

Set in the not-so-far future of 2015, Michael J. Fox’s time traveling adventure “Back to the Future 2” features some seriously cool futuristic gadgets — perhaps none more sought after than the hoverboard.

But while the hoverboard may still be a few years off, another impressive invention straight from the Hollywood’s future could be coming to a shoe store near you within months: the self-lacing Power Laces shoe.

Developed by amateur tinkerer Blake Bevin, the Power Laces Shoe (version 2.5) was inspired by the classic ’80s movie and was created in less than five months, with no formal electronics training. Continue reading